
Lord lakshmi narasimha images
Lord lakshmi narasimha images

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The name Vara Lakshmi Narasimha was given by Swami Vishwananda, where Vara means merciful. The two main Murtis in the Temple are MahaLakshmi and Narasimha. Thus, this remarkable Narasimha Avatar of Lord Vishnu put an end to a deadly demon, who looked unassailable, without violating any of the amazing boons that he had obtained, and saved his devotee and also the world, from his unbearable atrocities.The VARA LAKSHMI NARASIMHA TEMPLE in Warsaw was inaugurated by Sri Swami Vishwananda on 13th and 14th February 2009. This manifestation grabbed the bewildered Hiranyakashipu with his hands, dragged him to the palace entrance, laid him on his lap, tore his body with his sharp nails and killed the ruthless demon, exactly in the evening time. Lo and behold! The pillar split open, and out emerged the incredible figure of a man-lion, with eyes emitting fire. Firmly believing that it is none other than his great adversary Vishnu, who is instigating and protecting the young boy, Hiranya asked his son where the Lord is and having been told by his devotee son that he is anywhere and everywhere, smashed his mace at a pillar in the palace with intense rage. Exasperated, he tried even to kill him by various means, but nothing worked against that divinely blessed youngster. Hiranya could not tolerate his own son defying him openly and taking the name of his sworn enemy with great reverence, and tried, by all means, to make the boy change his stance and fall in line. This pious young prince virtually lived and thrived on taking Lord Vishnu’s sacred name and singing his glory right in Hiranya’s palace, while the world outside bowed to the Asura’s diktats. Hinranyakashipu was blessed with a son Prahlada, who turned out to be the most ardent devotee of Lord Vishnu. The omniscient Vishnu launched his grand mission of destroying the demon and saving the virtuous. Therefore, the world began resonating with the chants, ‘Om Hiranyaya Namaha.’ Unable to withstand the demon’s assaults, people surrendered to the Lord seeking his mercy and intervention. Armed with this seemingly invincible armor of near immortality, Hiranyakashipu let loose a reign of terror on all the worlds, dethroning the Devas, committing untold atrocities on sages, saints, and humans, and mercilessly punishing anyone who took the name of Vishnu or Narayana. Hiranyakashipu did intense penance towards Lord Brahma and obtained many exceptional boons from him, as per which he cannot be killed - by the Devas (celestial beings), the Asuras, the humans or the animals by any weapon either during the day or in the night either on the ground or in space and either inside any structure or outside. He developed a strong hostility towards Lord Vishnu, who had killed his brother earlier and put an end to his cruelties. Hiranyakashipu was a mighty Asura (demon).

Lord lakshmi narasimha images series#

Lord Vishnu had to take this unbelievably strange form, for outwitting a powerful demon known as Hiranyakashipu, who was well protected by a series of boons and for slaying him, to save the world and the people from his tyranny.īhagavata Purana gives a graphic account of the legend associated with Narasimha. ‘Nara’ is a human being and ‘Simha’ is a lion, and ‘Nara-Simha’ is thus a Man-Lion. Sometimes, he is also depicted seated calmly with his consort Goddess Lakshmi as Lakshmi Narasimha.

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One free hand will always be in Abhaya mudra or blessing posture. He is usually depicted with a fierce look on his face with bulging eyes and four to sixteen hands carrying different weapons, which include mace, discus, conch, axe, etc. Lord Narasimha is the lion-man avatar of Lord Vishnu with a lion head and a human torso and lower body. This Avatar was believed to have been taken during the Krita (Satya) Yuga, also known as the Golden Age. Narasimha is a unique form, with a human physique and a lion head. Narasimha is one such sacred incarnation or Avatar of the Lord and is regarded as his 4th incarnation on earth. For achieving this end, the Lord himself incarnates on earth from time to time, to annihilate evil, protect people from cruelties and to establish dharma, the ultimate righteousness. Lord Vishnu is the protector of the universe, and he takes on himself the responsibility of safeguarding the lives of people and ensuring their peaceful existence.

Lord lakshmi narasimha images